Leonardo Maglio
Full Stack Web Developer
About me

About me
I'm a Full Stack Web Developer with a special passion for 3D - hence my extensive background in the VFX industry. With 10+ years of experience in the field, I specialize in creating scalable, responsive, and performant web applications with delightful user experiences. My tech stack includes JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Three.js, GraphQL, Node.js, Python, and SQL.

I'm the proud creator and maintainer of Polygona, a 3D customization tool for the web. It allows 3D artists to upload their models and create a customizable experience for the end user. Being the only developer, I've built the entire platform from scratch, including the backend, frontend, 3D viewer and cloud infrastructure.

Housecure helps people during the process of buying/selling a house. I joined the team at the very beginning as a full-stack developer and helped build the platform from scratch. I've worked on the frontend, backend, and cloud infrastructure.